Monday, December 13, 2010

Gen 1 - Week 1

On my first day I started to learn the ropes and met my co-workers.  One of them was named Jeff and we hit it off right away.  By the second day, we were already friends.  Plus I was able to save the day at work and my boss was so impressed, she promoted me on the spot!

I celebrated by going out to dinner.  The poor bus boy felt so bad dropping a tray near me that my dinner was free and I received their famous desert to take home.  I was really lucky that day.  I went out to dinner because I really hate to cook.  All of my meals that week were juice or cereal.

Even though I was not a neat freak, I still cleaned up after myself.

Being the ambitious person that I am, I was really disappointed that I did not get promoted before the weekend.  It was really frustrating because I even saved the police department from a public scandal, but still no promotion.

So I decided to take a workout class to vent some of my frustration.  Boy did that feel good!  Later that day, I decided to invite Jeff over so we could get to know each other better.  We got along so well, I did not want our visit to end so I invited him to spend the night.  I even cooked dinner for him.  That was the first dinner I cooked since moving to town.  Thankfully it was just a salad.

I learned that our signs were compatible and that we were both ambitious.  My attraction for Jeff grew and I started to wish that we were more then friends.  But every time I tried to flirt, he just put me off.  Since he is a neat freak, I was hoping it was my dirty house and not me that was putting him off.  The next day, he made a lame excuse about running errands and left quickly.  I was a little sad, but after reading the whole morning, I was determined to see if Jeff and I could have any kind of relationship or if we were just to remain good friends.  After cleaning the house and myself, I found Jeff in a nearby park that was close to my home.  After seeing if he was in a good mood, I started flirting with him and he started to flirt back!  We finally had our first kiss under the starry sky.  It was very romantic.

After that, I invited him over to spend the night.  I wanted to see how the evening would end.  So we hopped into his car and took the short trip to my house.  After some more flirting and talking, I got up enough nerve to ask him to move in and he said yes!  I was so happy.  Isn't he handsome?

Jeff:  I just have to tell the story on what came next.  After she asked me to move in, I felt my time was running short.  My birthday was coming soon and I was going to become an elder.  After I realized how much I loved Julie, I just got down on one knee right then and there and surprised her by popping the question.  She was so surprised that she just stood there for a minute with a look of shock. 

But then she started to hop up and down and got really excited and I was relieved when she finally said yes.

 I was so happy he proposed, but he did catch me off guard.  We had just moved in together.  But maybe he felt he did not very much time left.  Whatever the reason I was very happy and I look forward to our wedding.  What a week!  I wonder what will happen next week?

[Author's Notes] - Yes, most of the story happened in just one day!  She had the wish for him to be her boyfriend and to move in.  After he moved in he immediately rolled to propose to Julie.  Since she was a hopeless romantic and a family oriented sim, I did not think she would mind.  The look on her face was priceless.  I had to make that picture large enough so you could see her face.  Now they both rolled to have a wedding party, so we will see what happens next week.  :)

1 comment:

  1. AW, what an awesome start! How lucky to get that far in the wishacy in just one day!
